united league  of american base ball clubs

Draft Lottery Proposal


8th place (40)
7th place (24)
6th place (15)
5th place (9)
4th place (6)
3rd place (3)
2nd place (2)
1st place (1)

* First pick is drawn from 100 chances.
* Team selected gets first pick and all of its chances are removed.
* Continue for each pick until all 8 draft slots are filled.
* If teams are tied, their chances are averaged and split. (Ex: two teams tie for 5th/6th place. Instead of 15 and 9 chances, each team will have 12 chances in the lottery). If the combined chances are not even, the 'extra' chance will go to the team with the worse head-to-head record vs. the other team(s) involved in tie.
* The lottery allocations are roughly based on Fibonacci numbers, but rounded to make the sum equal 100.
          UL Draft allocations:  1-2-3-6-9-15-25-40
          Fibonacci numbers:   1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34


Fibonacci Numbers

Leonardo of Pisa, better known as Fibonacci, was born in Pisa, Italy, about 1175 AD. He was known as the greatest mathematician of the middle ages. Completed in 1202, Fibonacci wrote a book  titled Liber abaci on how to do arithmetic in the decimal system.   Although it was Fibonacci himself that discovered the sequence of numbers, it was French mathematician, Edouard Lucas who gave the actual name of "Fibonacci numbers" to the series of numbers that was first mentioned by Fibonacci in his book.  Since this discovery, it has been shown that Fibonacci numbers can be seen in a variety of things today.
    By charting the population of rabbits, Fibonacci discovered a number series from which one can derive the Golden Mean.  The beginning of the sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55... Each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers. Dividing each number in the series by the one which precedes it produces a ratio which stabilizes around 1.618034.

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